Enhancing Emotional Health

Enhancing Emotional Health

Enhancing Emotional Health is a self-esteem and empowering program for women and young ladies.

It is run over a five-week period to give participants time to reflect on what they learn and discover about themselves each week.

There is a new discussion topic each week, the sessions are interactive because each attendee brings a wealth of experience into the group.

The main aim of the program is to support women and young ladies to build their self-esteem and to empower them to strive for the best.

The objectives are to:

  • Create an understanding of the causes of low self-esteem.
  • Encourage women/young ladies to build their self-esteem.
  • Learn how to manage thoughts and feelings.
  • Provide a safe space for honest expression of feelings and emotions.
  • Learn how to create healthy boundaries.

The topics covered are:

  • Enhancing Emotional Health
  • Self-esteem
  • Resilience
  • Our thoughts (managing negative thoughts)
  • Healthy lifestyle balance
  • Boundaries
  • Conflict management
  • Setting goals

The program is designed to help participants understanding the causes of low self-esteem, improve their self-esteem, manage thoughts and feelings, create healthy boundaries and explore the importance of self-care and a healthy balanced lifestyle.

The Enhancing Emotional Health program is conducted in a safe, friendly and non-judgmental environment and group members become part of a support network of women who are embarking on a journey of self-development.

It is a free program run over five weekly sessions at Mackay Women’s Services, 418 Shakespeare St, Mackay.

To find out when the next program begins please phone 07 4953 1788 or email reception@mkywc.org.au.