Mackay Women’s Services is happy to announce that some of our groups and programs will return to the centre next month (July).
There are still restrictions in place, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which means there will be a limited number of participants allowed. Bookings will be essential to ensure we stick to these numbers.
There are also some new rules in place to ensure we adhere to hygiene standards and social distancing recommendations.
The following groups will recommence in July:
- CALD Women’s Club – July 3 (MUST phone The Neighbourhood Hub on 07 4957 2626 to book).
- Sister Circle – July 6 from 4.30-6pm.
- Zumba – Tuesday July 7 from 9-9.45am and Friday July 10 from 9-9.45am.
- Yoga – Wednesday July 8 from 4.30-5.30pm.
- Indigenous Women’s Group – Tuesday July 14 from 6pm
Other groups:
- Bucasia Quilters will return from August 8 and then every second Saturday.
- Tai Chi – to be advised.
- Women’s active groups Mackay and Sarina – mid-August date will be advised.
- Bella Mummas – a date in August to be advised.
CALENDAR: Keep up to date with programs, activities and groups on our monthly calendar
Rooms are limited to specific numbers at the moment but this will be revised in July and August. Until then, bookings are ESSENTIAL for all programs. You must phone our reception on 4953 1788 to book your spot.
Bookings will commence from Monday June 29 – no bookings will be taken before that date. No booking, no entry as we have limited spots available.
New requirements during this time
We have a number of new requirements in place to ensure we can all use the centre safely while adhering to social distancing recommendations. They are:
- If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay at home.
- Stay in allocated rooms, no wandering around the centre.
- Rooms to be sanitised and clean as per cleaning chart in room as end of program.
- Yoga mats are to be provided by participants.
- Program participants will need to wait outside and a staff member/program facilitator will come and collect you.
- Do not arrive early – arrive as close to the start time as possible.
- Wash hands and sanitise on a regular basis.
- Maintain 1.5 metre distance from others wherever possible.
- Avoid physical greetings such as handshaking, hugs or kisses, etc.
Ensure all rules are adhered to and follow instructions of staff at all times & please be patient.